壽屋 2024年1月發售: 1/8 PVC Figure ARTFX J series《鬼滅之刃》時透無一郎 15,000Yen (Remark: ABEMA Mart, 壽屋Shop訂購附限定特典)

ARTFX J Muichiro Tokito

Scale 1/8
Product Size 180mm tall
Specification Pre-Painted PVC Figure
Material PVC (Phthalate-free)・ABS
Sculptor Chiu Ming-chi

The user of Mist Breathing, Muichiro Tokito, will be released by Kotobukiya as a 1/8 scale figure!

From the anime, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, the Mist Hashira, Muichiro Tokito, comes to life in a pose that captures the moment he powerfully swings his sword.

His hair and uniform have been sculpted to be dynamic and flow with his movements. His Nichirin Sword has also been recreated in great detail.

This figure captures the calm and controlled nature of Muichiro’s fighting style.

Line him up with the other characters to recreate the world of the Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba anime!

ARTFX J 時透無一郎

作品 鬼滅の刃
シリーズ ARTFX J
スケール 1/8
製品サイズ 全高:約180mm(台座含む)
製品仕様 PVC塗装済み完成品フィギュア
素材 PVC(非フタル酸)・ABS
原型製作 邱 明琦


アニメ「鬼滅の刃」より、霞柱 ”時透無一郎”が力強く刀をふるう一瞬を切り取り立体化。


